Comparatie rezultate SPW vs rezultate exemplu de calcul ( Ghid de proiectare geotehnica)

Comparatie rezultate SPW vs rezultate Exemplu 3 ( Ghid de proiectare geotehnica/Proiectarea geotehnica a lucrarilor de sustinere) Prezentul document prezinta comparatia dintre rezultatele obtinute pentru calculul unui perete ingropat liber la partea superioara si incastrat in teren in programul SPW si in Exemplul 3 pagina 135 din Ghidul de proiectare geotehnica/Proiectarea geotehnica a lucrarilor de…

Limit State of Liquefaction C. Hsein Juang 2006

The limit state for liquefaction triggering is obtained using a neural network-based searching technique developed by Juang et al. 2000b. The technique involves the training of supervised feed-forward neural networks with the “full” database of case histories and its subsets or samples. The successfully trained neural network that generates the most accurate input–output relationship is adopted in the subsequent step for searching…