If you’re having problems using our products, please open a ticket below and we’ll respond as soon as possible.
You can share your feedback with other customers by sending a review about a product you use, see here.
General terms and conditions of customer service
Essential assistance (provided through this ticket service with email notifications) is included in the price of all GEOSTRU programs, valid within a year after purchase (or upgrade service renewal). The assistance provided solely concerns the resolution of any problems concerning the technical features of the software currently in production. This service does not include consultancy services that can be agreed upon separately.
Customers with active upgrades will have priority to our customer support service and we will do our best to reply within 24h.
Customers no longer in the upgrade period may request customer support for a specific fee – contact us for further details.
What to indicate to receive customer support
- A version of the software
- The operating system of the PC where the software is installed
- A detailed description of the problem
- Eventual attachments must be compressed in *.zip format and be smaller than 4MB. Only attachments in *.zip arrangement will be considered.
- Requests missing one of the above-requested information will not be considered.
Check the status of your software here
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Consultancy and design
Our team completed hundreds of projects in Italy and abroad, is a consultant to major public and private groups and collaborates with universities and research institutes internationally.
We are ready to help you with design, and consultancy and thanks to the interdisciplinarity of our technicians, we can intervene from the beginning in the design phases, from surveys to the drafting of the constructive design.
The technical disciplines in which we work are:
- Interpretation of penetrometer and seismic tests;
- Microzonation studies;
- Structural engineering;
- Geotechnical engineering;
- Seismic engineering;
- Environmental engineering;
- Applied geology.
We also offer IT consultancy and the development of dedicated algorithms and software.
Thank you for contacting our Customer Service.