RPD (Road Pavement Design) – Software for verifying road flexible and semi-rigid pavements.
RPD is a software that implements automatic procedures for pavements verification calculations.
With RPD you can perform the verification procedures by empirical methods (as proposed by AASHTO in the document GUIDE FOR DESIGN OF PAVEMENT STRUCTURES) or by rational methods.
Among the rational methods, the highest deflection is implemented (Ivanov) and Westergaard’s, designed to calculate deflections on multi-layer pavements.
The method is based on considerations resulting from experimental tests.
The general principle of the method is to measure the adequacy of road pavement in terms of the number of vehicles (standard axes from 82 kN) that a road pavement can withstand, maintaining the desired functionality, for a certain number of years (set as a project data and equal, in most cases, to the useful life of the road).
It is based on the Lagrange equation solution for thin sheets.
Generally, a method is a tool for calculating the maximum deflection subjected to a thin layer sheet (to which road pavement is approximated).
The verification criterion (project) is similar to the one on which the maximum deflection method is based.
The method of maximum deflection (Ivanon) is based on the elastic problem setting in the lands given by Boussinesq.
The criterion is based on limiting the maximum deflection occurring at the end of the useful life of a road pavement.
Features of RPD: Parametric Calculation – immediate display of results – automatic calculation of project traffic, maximum bearable traffic, pavement’s Structural Number, layer structure coefficients, coefficients of drainage of layers.
RPD has an intuitive interface that simplifies its use, and each parameter is described and verified in detail.
RPD provides a detailed complete calculation relationship with theoretical references.
RPD helps calculate, verify and optimise road pavements.
- Parametric Calculation
- Allows the immediate view of the results
- Automatically calculates project traffic
- Automatically calculates maximum bearable traffic
- Automatically calculates pavement’s Structural Number
- It is equipped with tools for the automatic calculation of layer structure coefficients
- It has tools for the automatic calculation of the coefficients of drainage of layers
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