The new software version allows data import from other GeoStru programs such as Dynamic Probing, Static Probing, MASW and Liquiter.
Several templates for representing Wells, SPT, CPT, MASW, etc., are available locally or online. The online models can be downloaded and used locally. An integrated template editor allows one to create or customize new models.
Data processed with Stratigrapher can be exported in other GeoStru programs such as Slope, LoadCap, MP, etc.
The program has an extensive library of lithological textures available online and locally. Online textures can also be imported to enrich the local database.
For the stratigraphic model created by the user, the following display modes can be used: draft, WYSIWYG ( What You See Is What You Get) and normal.
Through simple steps, the software allows the creation of stratigraphic columns for the representation of lithological successions deriving from SPT, CPT, and MASW tests and for the representation of wells. Just drag the soil type within the model with the mouse, and the reference details will automatically be filled in the template’s columns. The multi-page function allows representing even the surveys having a big depth in a single file.
- The software offers a local library of lithological textures divided into Cohesionless soils, Cohesive soils, Rocks and Others, and Vector Textures; the user can add more textures or customize the existing ones, thanks to a Raster texture editor and the Vector texture editor. In addition, the user can download textures that are available online;
- The template editor allows adding or removing columns, altering labels and headings for existing templates, or creating new custom templates;
- Each model created by the user can be saved in a template database that allows very flexible management of the cases with which the user usually has to work;
- Templates are available locally and online for the user to load, representing the most used cases: SPT, CPT, MASW, and detailed representation of Wells;
- The description of the lithological successions is managed in such a way as to allow the insertion of a complete and detailed description, even for the thinner layers;
- Templates for Wells, CPT, MASW and Liquefaction;
- Management of core boxes.
Enzo Massaro (verified owner) –
Il programma ha problemi di funzionalità già evidenziati ai tecnici GeoStru ad oggi mai risolti. Non consente la modifica dei font nelle tabelle di output, non consente la modifica delle dimensioni della tabella ed altro ancora….
filippo catanzariti –
Buongiorno Enzo
Stratihgrapher lo stiamo rifacendo per settembre pensiamo di completare.