Slope stability analysis – Slope

390.00 exc. VAT

(18 customer reviews)

Slope stability software carries out the analysis of soil or rock slope stability both under static and seismic conditions, using the limit equilibrium methods of Fellenius, Bishop, Janbu, Bell, Sarma, Spencer, Morgenstern & Price, Zeng Liang, Discrete element method (DEM).
Discrete elements method for circular and non-circular surfaces by which it is possible to ascertain slippages in the slope, examine a gradual failure, and employ various models of force-deformation relationship.

Reinforcements with piles, gravity and/or reinforced concrete bracing walls, nettings, geo fabrics, anchors, and terracing may be specified.

Distributed and point loads may be defined.

Video Tutorial



Verification analysis can be performed by employing:

    • EN 1997-1 Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design – Part 1;
    • EN 1997-2 Eurocode 7 – Geotechnical design – Part 2;
    • EN 1998-1 Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance – Part 1: General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings;
    • EN 1998-5 Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance Part 5: Foundations, retaining structures and geotechnical aspects;
    • GP 129-2014: SR EN 1997-1 (RO): A1+M1+R1 [GEO/STR], A2+M2+R3 [GEO];
    • AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications;
    • Various European and South American standards.


    • Graphic input with mouse;
    • Input from EXCEL files;
    • Input from DXF files;
    • Tabular numerical input;
    • The input of topographic profile generated by TRISPACE, GEOSTRU MAPS, BING MAPS or GOOGLE MAPS;
    • Import of raster images (JPG, BMP) with full-scale calibration;
    • Input from ASCII files;
    • Import of 3D models, shape file, srtm file, TXT and others and automatic generation of the sections to be analyzed;
    • Import of static and dynamic soil penetration tests and generation of geotechnical section.


    • Point loads (inclined);
    • Longitudinal loads.


    • Retaining walls;
    • Single piles, Sheet pile walls or Bulkheads;
    • For piles, the structural sizing of the pile at the ultimate limit state is provided;
    • Stabilization method: Broms limit load with automatic computation of the breaking moment of the section, Shear strength method, Zeng Liang’s method;
    • Gabions;
    • Active and passive anchors;
    • Step terracing;
    • Reinforced earth: bars, strips and geotextile sheets;
    • Geogrids database that the user can modify;
    • Drained trenches;
    • The input of generic works;
    • Integrated template for the automatic generation of Wind turbines and telephone towers;
    • Nailed reinforcement implementation using the Soil Nailing technique;
    • Naturalistic engineering works such as double-row wooden piling


    • FELLENIUS (1936);
    • BISHOP (1955);
    • JANBU (1956);
    • MORGENSTERN and PRICE (1965);
    • SPENCER (1967);
    • BELL (1968);
    • SARMA (1973);
    • D.E.M. (1992);
    • ZENG LIANG (1995);
    • Back Analysis;
    • Isotropic analysis;
    • Rock slope analysis with Hoek and Bray.


In the case of seismic, the increment of the neutral pressures produced by the deformations induced by the seismic waves is estimated. The formulas used are Matsui et al., 1980; Seed & Booker, 1997; Matasovic,1993. All the parameters necessary for the estimate, such as Arias index, Trifunac duration, etc., are calculated automatically by the programme upon integration of the design accelerogram.


    • Recalculate function to evaluate the safety factor of a specific surface with centre X0, Y0 and radius R;
    • Identification of the critical slide surface through automatic calculation;
    • Computation of safety factor for surfaces which pass through two given points and are tangential to a straight line whose gradient varies automatically;
    • Automatic computation of safety factor for surfaces that are tangential to a straight-line vector;
    • Computation of safety factor for surfaces which pass through either three, or one given point;
    • Differentiation between flexible and rigid retaining structures;
    • Stability analysis of submerged slopes (e.g. hillside lakes);
    • Analysis of irregular surfaces;
    • Presence of seismicity and aquifers;
    • Stratified terrains and relative pore pressures;
    • Anisotropic Analysis;
    • Dynamic analysis Newmark.


    • Display of the safety factor isolines;
    • Coloured display of all sliding surfaces divided by safety factor (to each colour are assigned the safety factors in a fixed interval);
    • Selection of the surfaces to be printed;
    • Options <Delete mesh>, <Move mesh> and numerical assignment of the centeres’ mesh;
    • Option <Translate groundwater>, which allows to raise or lower the water table (handy command for the sensitivity of the Fs when the groundwater level varies);
    • Layer filling with textures or colours (the user can define the textures);
    • Graphical and numerical input for non-circular sliding surfaces;
    • Tools for inserting text, lines and polygons on the graphic sheet.


Dynamic Analysis: Newmark’s method was used to analyze slope stability under seismic conditions for direct integration and modal superposition (1965). It allows the computation of permanent displacements of landslide mass by integrating the relative acceleration. It is also possible to generate the artificial accelerograms or import accelerograms from SIMQKE and Sabetta F., Pugliese A.: Estimation of Response Spectra and Simulation of Non-stationary Earthquake Ground Motions.

Slope 3D: Generation of digital 3D models from GIS, DXF or Text files. Import of files from SRTM (SRTM is a software created by GEOSTRU, included in the GEOAPP free suite, which allows the generation of a 3D model by simply selecting an area on Google Maps) of from GeoStru Maps, a free app for Geostru users. The sections to be analyzed with Slope are automatically created dynamically by moving on the 3D model.

DEM – Discrete Element Method: Advanced numerical method for analyzing slope stability in static and dynamic conditions. A very sophisticated model of computation of linear and nonlinear analysis based on the behaviour of the ductile or fragile soil.

M.R.E. (Mechanically reinforced earth): Design and verification of reinforced soil retaining structures. Performed validation at a pullout and break for bar or strip reinforcements and geosynthetics, local stability (Tieback), global stability (Compound), sliding verifications of a rigid body, limit load, and overturning. Provided standards: NTC2008, GRI (Geosynthetic Research Institute), BS8006/1995 (Code of practice for strengthened/reinforced soils and other fills), FHWA (Federal Highway Administration).

Geotechnical Section: Module for the realization of geotechnical sections, the user can manage static and dynamic soil penetration tests and make correlations between surveys.

Trial & ChangeLog

It is possible to request a trial version of this product. To speed up software learning, you can also ask for a live demonstration session. This will allow you to determine if the product meets your requirements. Send an email to: info(at)

Basic requirements of the system.

Educational version for teachers

How to download, install and activate the software




We are excited to announce the release of SLOPE 2025, GeoStru's new software for slope stability analysis. With advanced features and improved accuracy, SLOPE 2025 is designed to simplify the work of geotechnical professionals. Available now!

In the latest version of SLOPE by Geostru, we have added the functionality of image vectorization using advanced AI techniques. This allows for more accurate and efficient processing of images, improving the overall analysis experience. The integration of AI enhances precision in converting raster images into vector formats.






New release 2024



Slope 2023/W has been completely rewritten in a new programming language. It is a new software, and the previous slope files are incompatible with the latest version. We have created a tool for converting files from .sta to .stax and from .mre to .mrex. The conversion tool can start from the slope file menu or the program installation folder. Slope now has many new features, including graphics, calculation templates, reports Saving data in an open format, Cloud integration Full compatibility with new operating systems etc.



New release 2021



Solved compatibility with windows 10
Release 2020



Bug correction in reinforced soli
Update of EN regulations
Change print module
New release 2019



New Version 2018, general improvements

New user interface;
Janbu method integration;
Removing the number of Slices limits;
Diagram: Shear strength and numerical export value;
Combination of actions: A1 + M1 + R1, A2 + M2 + R1, A2 + M2 + R2;
Reinforced elements, new archives;
New European regulations have been added.



Automatic combinations

The inertial and cinematic effect;

Fixed errors in the reinforcing elements;


General improvements;

Adding anisotropic analysis;

Adding plugin management;

Bug fix.



  • Algorithm optimization for the computation of the plastic moment of reinforced concrete sections
  • Computation of horizontal bearing capacity according to Broms in the presence of water table
  • Drag-and-drop function for file opening
  • New reinforcing element: Wire Mesh
  • Fix input stratigraphy
  • Optimization for automatic generation of block walls in mechanically stabilized earth module. Implemented the possibility to alter texts in mechanically stabilized earth modules.
  • Implemented the automatic computation of seismic coefficients for the most used standards, Automatic computation of neutral presion increment in a dynamic field and automatic solution for the integration of Arias intensity accelerogram and Trifunac accelerogram.
  • Implementation of the DEM method for non-linear computation. It is possible to make a non-linear analysis assigning the constitutive features of the material. The Newton-Raphson method of tangents performs the plastic strain distribution procedure.
  • New, reviewed version.
  • Optimization for computation models Morgenstern&Price and Spencer.
  • Fixed problem regarding the print of neutral pressures for Morgenstern & Price and Spencer methods.
  • Implemented the possibility to include/exclude theoretical notes in the computation report. Details of the works of intervention in the report. Optimizations for the 3D import and DXF import. DEM algorithm integration. Integrations to the computation report of mechanically stabilized earthworks.
  • Fixed printing of pore pressures by the Sarma method.
  • Changes to the print report: optimizing the style of text and tables and printing the two values of the soil stiffness (DEM Method).
  • A new work intervention, "Reinforcement element ", offers greater sliding resistance along a probable failure surface. MRE module was completely revised, introducing a function for the automatic generation of the slope profile, the possibility to choose from: a terraced profile and a constant slope profile. Profile with conventional blocks and reinforced blocks are also available.
  • The new method of calculation is Zeng Liang. Among the best methods in recent years. Excellent results for the consolidation with Piles.
  • Method DEM (Discrete Element Method): Implemented new methods for non-linear analysis with new options for analysis, adding the variability of geotechnical parameters according to the displacements and extrapolation of all calculation results. Importing sections, including support works Piles and Reinforced Earth fromTrispace.
  • Added reference axes "Click on the ruler to add the axes of reference."
  • Added shortcuts: click on the drawing and type: A for archives, G for geotechnical, Z to zoom, P to move, D for distance measurement.
  • Generation of artificial non-stationary seisms, precision: Sabetta F., Pugliese A.: Estimation of Response Spectra and Simulation of Nonstationary Earthquake Ground Motions, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 86, No. 2, pp. 337-352, April 1996

18 reviews for Slope stability analysis – Slope

  1. MICHELE BARRASSO (verified owner)

    Uso da anni Slope di Geostru, programma che periodicamente viene aggiornato, molto diffuso tra i colleghi per il suo facile utilizzo ed affidabilità

  2. NICOLA POMPEO del gaudio (verified owner)

    buo programma semplice e intuitivo da migliorare il tutorial e la grafica non sempre immediata alcuni inserimenti sono lenti e imprecisi

  3. filippo catanzariti (verified owner)

    I have been using Slope for a few years now, but only infrequently and on reasonably straightforward problems. Even so, it does everything I need it to and at a price point that makes sense given my infrequent use. I am very happy with the support from GeoStru, they always respond in a timely manner and have always resolved my issues.
    Andrew Hurley

  4. Andrew Hurley (verified owner)

    I have been using Slope for a few years now, but only infrequently and on reasonably straightforward problems. Even so, it does everything I need it to and at a price point that makes sense given my infrequent use. I am very happy with the support from GeoStru, they always respond in a timely manner and have always resolved my issues.

  5. claudio meroni (verified owner)

    Software di facile comprensione e applicazione . Permette di realizzare diverse tipologie di analisi in maniera piuttosto semplice con ottimi risultati. Da migliorare le modalità di inserimento e rimozione degli interventi e le possibilità di composizione della relazione, ad esempio potendo selezionare solo un certo numero di superici.

  6. Skender Allkja (verified owner)

    Really good software that includes many stabilization methods.

  7. Alessandro (verified owner)

    Eccellente software

  8. giuliano ghirardi (verified owner)

    Buon Prodotto, perfetto per i fronti in roccia: la possibilità di utilizzare diversi metodi di calcolo permette una valutazione super conservativa del FS

  9. MARTA (verified owner)


    • filippo catanzariti (verified owner)

      Grazie per la recensione, ci sono numerosi video in rete e documentazione tecnica su:
      Se necessita di assistenza puo’ aprire un ticket su:

  10. ROBERTO SACCO (verified owner)

    Ottimo programma e semplice da usare

  11. FRANCESCO (verified owner)

    Ottimo software, per determinare la stabilità dei pendii, semplice da utilizzare, lo consiglio vivamente

  12. Giuseppe

    ottimo prodotto

  13. Giovanni Paolo Ottomanelli (verified owner)

    Semplice ed intuitivo. Ottimo supporto tecnico

  14. Antonio Di Nardo (verified owner)

    strumento il cui utilizzo è di immediata comprensione. Consigliato

  15. filippo catanzariti (verified owner)

    Slope works great, but I think it is necessary to have a more detailed tutorial on rock slopes options.
    Roberto Protti

  16. Rafal Michalak

    A good engineering software for slope stability analysis; easy, intuitive data input and clear result presentation are advantages of it.

  17. filippo catanzariti (verified owner)

    An excellent software with the recent specification under Eurocode 7 at a reasonable price.
    Pavlos Tyrologou

  18. Collin Taylor (verified owner)

    With this program, you can solve many slope stabilization problems. The software has many features that make it unique for ease of use
    Very reliable in results.

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