Horizontal Vertical Spectral Ratio – EASY HVSR

590.00 exc. VAT

(3 customer reviews)

Horizontal Vertical Spectral Ratio – EASY HVSR allows the analysis of the spectral ratio of microtremors recorded with a single station.
The simplicity of use and speed of execution of the calculations allow the user to get immediate results in the estimation of resonance frequency, stratigraphic profile and equivalent shear wave velocity Vs, eq, All according to the guidelines suggested by the SESAME project. The software imports SEG2, SAF and ASCII files.


Category: SKU: 36 Tags:



The user can choose different ways to process the data, choosing the most appropriate methods for the directional sum of the traces in the horizontal directions, for the smoothing and for the frequency band to be analyzed. The user can choose from the most simple arithmetic mean to the mean square or geometric mean among the directional sums available. Among the methods for data smoothing suggested by the SESAME project can be chosen: by Konno & Ohmachi, Triangular constant and Triangular proportion. The user can choose the time windows to include or exclude with a simple checkmark, seeing in real time the changes made. The input data can be automatically filtered.


All results are displayed in customizable charts. The available charts are the traces in the three directions analyzed with the representation of the time windows chosen; the average spectrum of the traces; the map for the verification of the recording’s stationarity; the map for the verification of the recording’s directional isotropy; The spectral ratio H/V with its confidence interval, having them with the possibility to overlap the ellipticity curve of more stratigraphic models not only of the fundamental mode, but also higher ones; the graphical representation of the stratigraphic profile; the velocity profile associated with the stratigraphy.


The software automatically evaluates a first estimate of the stratigraphic model that best approximates the H/V spectral behaviour recorded in situ and analyzed so the user can refine it more rapidly. Is thus obtained, in addition to the natural vibration frequency of the stratigraphy typical to the HVSR technique, the immediate assessment of Vs30 and the shear wave velocity profile of the stratigraphic model assumed. On the chart of the spectral ratio, H/V are visible; in addition to the H/V curve with its confidence interval, all the ellipticity curves of the various modes of each stratigraphic model that the user can decide to add. In this way, it is possible to compare the differences from a qualitative point of view, and in addition, also a quantitative comparison with the estimate of the mismatch function between the ‘fundamental’ ellipticity curve and the curve of the spectral ratio H/V. Checks accompany all on the reliability of the H/V curve and its peak suggested by the SESAME project.

Trial & ChangeLog

It is possible to request a trial version of this product. To speed up software learning, you can also ask for a live demonstration session. This will allow you to determine if the product meets your requirements. Send an email to: info(at)geostru.eu.

Basic requirements of the system.

Educational version for students and teachers

How to download, install and activate the software




New release 2024



New release 2022, Bug fix in manual selection



New release



Version 2020 has been released



General bug fix



Export confidencial curve H/V

New release 2018. Calculate vs,eq.



Major release of HVSR 2017



  • Optimization search algorithm resonance frequency 
  • Implemented Bing Maps for locations. 
  • Added support to make the application independent from the international options and language defined within the Control Panel of Windows. The software will use the point as a decimal point and a comma for digit grouping. 
  • Improvement of drawings export in the final report. 
  • Introduced an improvement in smoothing calculation with Triangular constant, Triangular proportional and Moving average techniques. 
  • Improved the processing with customed duration windows. 
  • Implemented the import of drm format files. 
  • Implemented the export of the stratigraphy in .edp files. 
  • Implemented the possibility of contacting GeoStru Staff directly from the software. 
  • Implemented the export of the H/V spectrum in csv format to be used for comparisons with various acquisitions. 
  • Improvement in managing the graphics of the H/V spectra. 
  • Progress in the direction of the inversion models. 
  • Improvement in the export of H/V pictures for the print reports. 
  • Improved the import of SEG2 files. 
  • Implementation of an autonomous system of notification and download of upgrades. 
  • Added new functions for editing the computation report. 
  • Ability to change the display scale for the graphics of given traces. 
  • Optimization of SEG2 file import. 
  • Optimization of trace import from saf files. 
  • Display the coordinates of the H/Vspectral ratio points in the corresponding graphic. 

3 reviews for Horizontal Vertical Spectral Ratio – EASY HVSR

  1. gerardo santini (verified owner)

    buon software . Lo trovo abbastanza scorrevole e intuitivo. Da poco che lo uso e quindi non mi esprimo sulla qualità dei report ma sembra funzionale per la definizione del modello sismico locale

  2. FABRIZIO CITARRELLA (verified owner)

    Buon software. Nella sezione “Cenni sulla teoria della tecnica HVSR” della relazione sismica, bisogna correggere la dicitura Vs30 con Vs, eq

    • filippo catanzariti

      Lo faremo oggi ti inviero’ il file per email
      We will do it today. I will send you the file by email

  3. Paolo Nania (verified owner)

    Software molto versatile ed intuitivo.
    Personalmente, il programma si potrebbe implementare consentendo di aprire e comparare piu’ spettri H/V al fine di poter fare delle speditive valutazioni di zonazione sismica.

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