Software for the interpretation of seismic refraction tests was implemented to ensure the quality standards of GeoStru, including ease of use, full control over operational phases, the preparation of the automatic report printing and the ability to export all the charts and graphs.
The definition of the array geometry is extremely flexible and does not impose constraints on the number of shots to be used in the analysis.
The software can guide the user through the analysis phases offering full control of the operative process.
The program has implemented an efficient locating system that allows editing the aerial photo of the research area.
Field data is extracted directly from the files generated by loggers (in formats like SEG2, SEGY, SU, etc.) and plotted to give the user the identification of the first arrivals, which can also be entered manually or by copy/paste.
As a function of identifying the first arrivals, the software can operate the regression analysis and identify the time travel curve.
Through this analysis phase, arrival times are assigned to the correct refractors.
After building the time travel curve and identifying the propagation velocity of the seismic signal in the different soil layers, the Generalized Reciprocal Method is applied.
This method is based on the research, in the time-distance diagram, of an optimal distance between geophones XY, in such a way that the seismic rays coming from opposing shot points, positioned symmetrically at the ends of the array, arrive from the same point of the refractor on the geophones placed in X and Y.
In addition to performing an automatic search of the optimal XY, EasyRefract provides, for the eligible values XY, the diagram of the velocity function with the standard deviation for each associated regression and the diagram of the time-depth function with the roughness value.
- Finding the area of intervention by the satellite map;
- No constraint on the number of geophones or sources;
- Import seismic data from files like SEG2, SEGY, SU, etc.;
- Standard Guide for Using the Seismic Refraction Method for Subsurface Investigation;
- Apply filter to traces;
- Selection of the display amplification factor to be applied to different traces in files;
- Definition of the first arrivals on the seismogram with the possibility to choose the zoom or to display on a separate window the segment of signal useful in search of first arrivals;
- Manual definition of the first arrivals through direct entry or the use of copy-and-paste commands;
- Customer definition of the time travel curves;
- Automatic detection of slope change points;
- Choice of the optimal XY on the diagram of the velocity function or on the diagram of the time-depth function;
- Customizing the stratigraphy with the use of textures;
- Exporting the calculation report in formats like doc, docx, pdf, etc.;
- Export of all diagrams on files;
- Export of stratigraphy in dxf.
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