Shear check for retaining walls
The check sections of the stem and footing of retaining walls are verified to shear without transverse reinforcements to shear (brackets, pins, bent bars) in general for massive structures but also for the purpose to simplify the execution on site. The computation of the shear check is based on the following:
(1) VRd ≥ VEd
The shear resistance VRd is as follows:
(2) VRd = {0,18 ∙ k ∙ (100 ∙ ρl ∙ fck)1/3 / γc + 0,15 ∙ σcp} ∙ bw ∙ d ≥ ( vmin + 0,15 ∙ σcp) ∙ bw ∙ d
In essence the shear strength depends strongly on the effective height d of the section, but also on the concrete class fck and the rate of tensile longitudinal reinforcement to deflection ρl = Asl /bw ∙ d. In our case it is marginal or null the increment of the normal stress constituted by the term 0,15 ∙ σcp .
The software MDC makes a first sizing of the bending reinforcements obtaining an initial value for ρl.
If applying (2) the correspondent shear strength VRd does not satisfy (1) further bending longitudinal bars are added increasing ρl until a maximum of 1% (ρl = 0,01). If with the 1% of tensile reinforcement the section is not verified to shear it is necessary to proceed with the increase of the effective height d of the section and/or to the use of a concrete with a higher characteristic resistance fck.
Generally the increase of the number of tensile longitudinal bars occurs only in restricted areas that are in proximity of the convergence node of the stem with the foundation. If in these area the shear check is positive, the designer should consider a significant difference between the design moment and the resistant moment (sign of a significant increase in the tensile longitudinal bars), might consider appropriate to increase, by own judgement, the transverse dimension d of the element in question (and/or use a higher class concrete) in order to reduce the above mentioned increment.